6songs: Paris Hilton Hustle

Hey there. How you? This is the first in a series of posts about the songs that comprise my EP, 6songs. There are six of them. First Up: Paris Hilton Hustle.

Baddest motherfucker not named "Shawn Carter" / Batshit like Bruce Wayne but smarter than Peter Parker

Ok so,

My boi Boogie, producer extraordinaire, and the mastermind behind Firestorm Entertainment, looked me dead in the eye one day and said, with the gravity of a judge handing down a verdict,

“You should write a song called Paris Hilton.

For whatever reason this made perfect sense to me, and that night I went home and started building the beat for what would become Paris Hilton Hustle.

Shortly thereafter, I was in the studio with my partner-in-crime and co-founder of Otherfuckingworldly, MCK, and decided to play him the beat that carried Ms. Hilton’s namesake.  

Several sonic thunderstorms and Spider Man references later, Paris Hilton Hustle was born.

Check it out, download it (for FREE!) if you dig it, and holler at me in the comments.