Interview with a Songwriter: William Darling

Interview with a Songwriter: William Darling

I first heard William Darling's music years ago as part of a boozy variety show at a bar on the Upper West Side of New York, and I still have one of his hooks stuck in my head today. In the time between then and now, Will moved to Seattle and started to create some SERIOUS vibes through his electronic musical stylings. Today at the B-Rock blog, we talk music with a genuine Renaissance Man.

Interview with a Songwriter: Prez Powerz

Interview with a Songwriter: Prez Powerz

Live and Direct from the Othership, a Prez Powerz show is unlike any other in hip hop. The self-described Psychedelic Cyber Punk outfit combines hard-hitting hip hop beats, a breakdance crew from the future, and a socially-minded MC with razor-sharp lyrics and a laser gun whose business end you'd be well-advised to avoid. Peep the word...

Interview with a Songwriter: Alyssa Robbins

Interview with a Songwriter: Alyssa Robbins

Alyssa Robbins is a singer/songwriter with one of the most devastatingly beautiful voices you will ever hear. I've had the personal distinction of being Ms. Robbin's (djembe) drummer in the past, and she has graciously appeared on numerous BRBRCK tracks including Bedford Stop Blues. Alyssa was good enough to answer a few questions on her songwriting process, and what's on and poppin in the new year...

Watch This: "Whales" by Hail Mary Mallon

Watch This: "Whales" by Hail Mary Mallon

Hail Mary Mallon is a rap duo comprised of underground darlings Aesop Rock and Rob Sonic, who display an expansive vocabulary and mind-bending lyrical prowess in every track they produce.

"Whales" is the third single from the group's sophomore album, Bestiary. The entire record presents humanity as its own Animal Kingdom (and food chain), from tiny Krill being swallowed up by the thousands, all the way up to Whales, a term used by salespeople and casino pit bosses to identify people of considerable means.

Interview with a Songwriter: Ahmen

Interview with a Songwriter: Ahmen

I met Ahmen at a set at Ella Lounge a while back, and there was an immediate mutual respect between the two of us. Since that time, my man A's been on a TEAR promoting his most excellent Hero Ball LP by rocking venues all over New York and New Jersey, and I've had the honor to step in and perform our debut collaboration track, Kaiju on a number of occasions. The big homey sits down to get deep on songwriting, and sends up a call-to-action for all you musical souls out there...

Muppets & Hip Hop: A Surprisingly Perfect Pairing

Muppets & Hip Hop: A Surprisingly Perfect Pairing

Ok, so

I know this is random, but just listen: Muppets Internet-edly mashed up with hip hop tracks might just be the most perfect distillation of joy and energy in the form of any medium ever. We've touched on Muppets and hip hop intersecting before on this blog but I just wanted to take a moment to celebrate the generous souls who provided us with this:

Interview with a Songwriter: Melissa Czarnik

Interview with a Songwriter: Melissa Czarnik

Melissa Czarnik is a poet and emcee who Deli Magazine named one of New York City's #1 Emerging Artists. Czarnik combines sharp lyrics with smooth delivery over the jazz-infused beats of Eric Joseph Meyer, and holy crap you need to go listen to her album Non Merci the second you're done reading this.

Godzilla vs. The Incredible Hulk: Stephen Sumner Edition

Godzilla vs. The Incredible Hulk: Stephen Sumner Edition

If you thought we were finished with this topic after Graham Skipper's Five-Part Epic, you are SORELY mistaken, friends. Today we're joined by a longtime friend and fellow Dudeist Monk, Stephen Sumner.

Ebola. Global Warming. ISIS. Justin Bieber.

There are many horrors in our time, all needing serious consideration and analysis.

However, there is one topic on the minds of most, so complex and divisive, discussion of it is avoided in polite circles and only whispered about in the basements of comic book stores across the globe.

Sh*t You Should Buy Me: Christmas Edition

Sh*t You Should Buy Me: Christmas Edition

With Turkey Day and National Kill Someone For A DVD Player Day in our rear-views, it is OFFICIALLY Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanzaa/Saturnalia/Festivus season! This time of year means a lot of things to a lot of people, like love and family and junk, but none of that matters at all whatsoever. What matters is PRESENTS. Beautiful, glorious, run-your-loved-ones-into-crippling-debt PRESENTS.

This year I decided to mosey around Etsy for inspiration, and HOLY HELL what have I been missing?? It's a treasure trove of people liking the sh*t I like WAY TOO MUCH and making fantastic sh*t based on that sh*t. SO. Here is the Christmas 2014 edition of "Sh*t You Should Buy Me."

Interview with a Songwriter: Julia Weldon

Interview with a Songwriter: Julia Weldon

Julia Weldon is an indie folk singer/songwriter and a fellow Brooklynite. She's released two full length albums (czech em out here) and has been touring across the country, bringing her badassery to lucky concert-goers near and far. She has a frickin' Wikipedia page for Fark's sake. As The Advocate says, "Julia Weldon might be the most soulful singer you've never heard of." Ms. Weldon was good enough to share her thoughts on songwriting, touring, and more...

Godzilla vs. The Incredible Hulk Pt. 5: Monster's Ball

Godzilla vs. The Incredible Hulk Pt. 5: Monster's Ball

Holy sh*t you guys, this is it.

The homiest of the homeys Graham Skipper, star of stage (Re-Animator The Musical) and screen (Almost Human) has introduced the topic that has plagued the minds of philosophers for decades: Who would win in a fight? Godzilla or The Incredible Hulk? Here are parts One,TwoThree, and FourWithout further ado, the conclusion of Godzilla vs. Hulk.

Godzilla vs. The Incredible Hulk, Pt. 4: 'Zilla's Got the Clap (Sorry I Had To)

Godzilla vs. The Incredible Hulk, Pt. 4: 'Zilla's Got the Clap (Sorry I Had To)

Hello friends and intrepid travelers of the Internet! This is a guest-blogger series that spends entirely too much time theorizing who'd win in a fight: Godzilla or The Incredible Hulk. Welcome to Part 4 of the epic battle as told by the one-and-only Graham Skipper. You can check out Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 right chyeah. As we last left our Big Green Friends, Hulk was learning that sonic waves have little to no effect on 300-foot-tall lizards. Bright blue fire death breath on the other hand...

Godzilla vs. The Incredible Hulk, Pt. 3: Hulk Smashed?

Godzilla vs. The Incredible Hulk, Pt. 3: Hulk Smashed?

Hello friends and intrepid travelers of the Internet! This is a guest-blogger series that spends entirely too much time theorizing who'd win in a fight: Godzilla or The Incredible Hulk. Welcome to Part 3 of the epic battle as told by the one-and-only Graham Skipper. You can check out Part 1 and Part 2 right chyeah. We last left Hulk flattened under the foot of a 300-foot tall lizard.

Godzilla vs. The Incredible Hulk, Pt. 2: The Battle Begins

Godzilla vs. The Incredible Hulk, Pt. 2: The Battle Begins

Hello friends and intrepid travelers of the Internet! This is a guest-blogger series that spends entirely too much time theorizing who'd win in a fight: Godzilla or The Incredible Hulk. Our first guest, Graham Skipper, began yesterday with a look at both combatants. You can check that out here. Now, to quote Ken Watanabe, "Gotham must burn." Wait no I mean "Let them fight."

Godzilla vs. The Incredible Hulk: WHO YA GOT?

Godzilla vs. The Incredible Hulk: WHO YA GOT?

Hello friends and intrepid travelers of the Internet! This is a guest-blogger series that spends entirely too much time theorizing who'd win in a fight: Godzilla or The Incredible Hulk. Our first participant is the obscenely talented actor/writer/comedian Graham Skipper, star of Almost Human and Re-Animator: The Musical. Take it away, Graham!

Rejected Rap Lyrics

Rejected Rap Lyrics

Occasionally, one of my friends will suggest that I write a rap song about a specific topic, or that I include certain words in my lyrics. Sometimes they're fun ideas (I still intend to include the line "my brain's different like Lane Kiffin" somewhere in a track one day, person I drunkenly promised that to), and sometimes they're absolute shit ("You should rap about bunnies! No one is rapping about bunnies!"). Either way, they're always amusing and appreciated.

Well they were until today. 

Interview with a Songwriter: Jason Consolacion

Interview with a Songwriter: Jason Consolacion

Jason Consolacion is a Vancouver-born, Houston-raised, New York-based singer/songwriter. He's also a dear friend of mine and the guitarist for my band, the iLL harmonic. Jason was good enough to take time out of his busy schedule to discuss his creative process and offer some advice for aspiring songwriters.